Community Singing at Women's Café

13.01.2025 kl. 09:45
On Friday 17.1 at Women's Café in English we have the pleasure to represent vocalist, artist, writer and community worker Pia Hansen as the guest of the day.

This session about Community Singing is an opportunity for a short lunch time sing, to boost your wellbeing!

"This will be a brief glimpse into the world of improvised singing as a group. We will weave our voices together and see what emerges. No previous singing experience is required."

Read more about Pia Hansen here at her webpage.

As usual the meeting starts at 12 and we close the doors at 14. The meeting is on first floor in Luckan in Helsinki, in "Hörnet", Yrjönkatu 27. No registration needed. We serve coffee and tea and some snacks.

The Women's Café in English -meetings are organised in a relaxed, informal way around a cup of tea or coffee. Make new friends and get involved in what is happening locally. Welcome!

Time to become a member of our organisation Svenska Kvinnoförbundet i Sörnäs? Please read more and get registered today!

Fredrika Biström