What is coaching, who is it for and why should you bother?

30.01.2025 kl. 13:19
How to find your own way through coaching? On Friday 31.1 at Women's Café in English we have the pleasure to represent Yvonne Westerlund as the guest of the day.

Yvonne is a professional coach at The Shortcut and she will guide us around the theme of coaching and show real life examples. She has been coaching for 10+ years and has a profound understanding of the benefits.

Whatever your challenge may be - from practical tasks of not getting your car to the car wash, to deeper rooted struggles concerning relationship problems. These are all valid for your work with a coach.

Doors open at 12 and the session with Yvonne start 12.30. No registration needed. The meeting is on first floor in Luckan in Helsinki, in "Hörnet", Yrjönkatu 27. We serve coffee and tea and some snacks. We close the doors at 14.

The Women's Café in English -meetings are organised in a relaxed, informal way around a cup of tea or coffee. Make new friends and get involved in what is happening locally. Welcome!

Time to become a member of our organisation Svenska Kvinnoförbundet i Sörnäs? Please read more and get registered today!

Fredrika Biström