Do you have your papers in order?

25.05.2021 kl. 10:32
Time to get your papers in order by the help of Women's Café in English.

On Friday May 28th at 12 o'clock you are welcome to join the Women's Café in English digital meeting on zoom.

You will be guided on official documents we should all have up to date, living will, will, prenuptial, "ositus" after divorce, power of attorney in case of illness, death etc. 

The guest of the day is lawyer Caroline Aspelin. She will try to help us to dedramatize our official papers so that we all do them - not only talk about them. 

The Zoomlink will be posted in our Whatsapp group and on the Women's Cafè in English Networking Facebook group.

If you want to join the Whatsapp group please send an email to Welcome!

Time to become a member of our organisation Svenska Kvinnoförbundet i Sörnäs? Please read more and get registered today!

Fredrika Biström