Your sexual health matters!

28.09.2020 kl. 10:34
Sexual wellbeing with Allison Abdile at Women’s Café in English Friday 2.10 at 12-14.

Join us ladies for an interesting and educational get together at Women’s Café in English, Lilla Luckan, Yrjönkatu 27 in Helsinki, as we explore the importance of our sexual health welling with Allison, from the program Health buddies.

The program aims to raise knowledge and lead educational workshops on sexuality and sexual health. The Health buddies are individuals with diverse backgrounds, they are trained to use different tools during their workshops, and to respect and create a safe atmosphere.

We serve coffee, tea and snacks. Children are also welcome. Changing tables for babies, toys and a microwave are available.

Time to become a member of our organisation Svenska Kvinnoförbundet i Sörnäs? Please read more and get registered today!