Welcome to join the Women's Café in English -meeting trough Zoom with information about podcasting! Our guest of the day sends greetings to all of you who plan to participate:
My name is Maryna Mikhuta and I can be referred to as Ms or as Master of Arts. I am a communication specialist, linguist, and media specialist.
The workshop we will be having on Friday 22.1 at 13-14 will be dedicated to basics of podcasting. I will explain how to
- choose the topic or to narrow it down
- how to structure your podcast
- what is meant by the format
- why all of those are important when you start your own or your project's podcast.
The workshop will include the presentation and the Q&A time.
Do you want to participate? Send an e-mail to coordinator Jessika jessika@kvinnoforbundet.fi and she will send you the link. Welcome to join!
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